Power Series

Try to think Power series = Geometric Series.

►Refer to Math24: Power series

Power series is actually the Geometric series in a more general and abstract form.


For easier to remember it, that could be simplified as:


In this function it's critical to know that: a_n IS A CONSTANT NUMBER! NOT A VARIABLE !

Differentiate Power series

►Refer to Khan academy: Differentiating power series

We have 2 ways to differentiate series, they work same way:

  • One way is to expand the series with real numbers (1,2,3...) and take their derivatives:


    (▲Note that this is constantly true for power series.)

  • Another way is to calculate the term's derivative and then plug in the real numbers (1,2,3):


Either way will do, it depends on the actual equation for you to choose which way you're gonna use.


image Solve:

  • Let's organize this function to make it clear:



image Solve:

  • Notice that: If we plug in the x=0 at beginning, everything will be 0 and we don't have anything to calculate.

  • So Let's keep the x in the terms until the last step.

  • It's easier to expand the series with real numbers, and we're to try 3 or 4 terms in this case.

  • Because at the end of it you'll notice, if we're doing Third Derivative, then more than 3 terms will just bring more 0s.

  • First we're to organize the function in the standard power series form:


  • And the constant number a_n in the function is:


  • Let's plug in the real number (0,1,2,3,4) for n to expand the series:


  • Based on that we can take the derivatives:


  • Now we've got the third derivative, so let's plug in the x=0 and see what we get:


  • And that's the answer.

  • And now you know why in this case it's a waste to calculate more terms.

Integrate Power Series


image Solve:

  • Knowing that Integrate a series can be turned to a series of Integrations of terms:


  • Integrate the terms:


  • And we get a simple Geometric series. So that we can apply the formula of calculating geometric series:


  • Let's apply the formula:


Integrals & derivatives of functions with known power series

► Jump over to have practice at Khan academy.


image Solve:

  • Let's assume the function of the series above is f(x), and the series below is g(x)

  • It's clear to see that the g(x) is theAntiderivativeof thef(x)`.

  • So we just need to integrate the function of the f(x):


  • We see that the antiderivative can represent the g(x), but only with the C in it:


  • So we need to solve for C. The easiest way is to plug in 0 for g(x):


  • Then the answer is:


  • Set the two series as f(x) and g(x).

  • It's clear that g(x) = -f'(x).

  • So by differentiate f(x) we will get:

  • Then -f'(x) would be:

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